Monday, July 9, 2012

First Things First

Somewhere on an arbitrary list is an item labeled, “organize the 2009 pictures.”
If I had stayed on top of that list it would have had 2010, 2011 and a creeping 2012 added to it, but it doesn’t – because it is obviously not a priority.
First things are always first.  That’s the hard truth.  My calendar reveals the story of my heart and my passions.  Whether I like it or not, what I theorize about is only theory if it isn’t reflected in my actions.
Check out your own calendar.  Who gets your time and energy, not your “unplugged” time, but your engaged time?
(Huge pause because I am currently checking out my ten-year-old daughter’s Lego house that means a lot to her at this very moment.)
What, Who or Where is your first being spent?  Take an inventory.  The themes or reoccurring actions are what comes first.  These are your real priorities.
Sometimes we put things first to avoid guilt, shame or obligation put on us by other people.  Regardless of the negative motive, the result is the same – that behavior is first.  Avoiding is the priority.  What huge regrets we live with when we do that!
I don’t yet put all the first things first that I want right now, but I am learning how to pray about it.  My first step has been to quit praying that I would “be more to do more” and started praying that my actions and calendar would reflect the things that should be first in my life.

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